- achievement motivation
- мотивация достижения
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
achievement motivation — UK US noun [U] WORKPLACE ► the idea that because people like to achieve success, they want to continuously become more successful. This idea is used by managers who want their employees to perform as well as possible: »The role played by… … Financial and business terms
achievement motivation — Defined as the need to perform well or the striving for success, and evidenced by persistence and effort in the face of difficulties, achievement motivation is regarded as a central human motivation. Psychologist David McClelland (The Achieving… … Dictionary of sociology
achievement motivation — sėkmės motyvacija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Žmogaus poreikis patirti sėkmę įvairioje veikloje, ypač lenktyniaujant. Sėkmės motyvacija kyla iš afektinio pobūdžio asociacijų, siejančių žmogaus išgyvenimus su jo elgesiu.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
achievement motivation — siekimų motyvacija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Motyvų visuma, nuteikianti sportininką siekti kovos, varžytis arba jos vengti. Tai pagrindinė varomoji jėga siekiant užsibrėžtų tikslų. Siekimų motyvacija yra susijusi su… … Sporto terminų žodynas
achievement motivation theory — A theory that establishes a relationship between personal characteristics, social background, and achievement. A person with a strong need for achievement tends to exhibit such characteristics as: • regarding the task as more important than any… … Big dictionary of business and management
motivation — motivational, adj. motivative, adj. /moh teuh vay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or an instance of motivating. 2. the state or condition of being motivated. 3. something that motivates; inducement; incentive. [1870 75; MOTIVE + ATION] * * * Factors… … Universalium
Motivation — For other uses, see Motivation (disambiguation). Timeline of theorists about student motivation Motivation is the driving force by which humans achieve their goals. Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic … Wikipedia
Motivation — Der Begriff Motivation bezeichnet das auf emotionaler bzw. neuronaler Aktivität (Aktivierung) beruhende Streben nach Zielen oder wünschenswerten Zielobjekten und ist somit eine Art Triebkraft für Verhalten.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Achievement gap in the United States — An achievement gap refers to the observed disparity on a number of educational measures between the performance of groups of students, especially groups defined by gender, race/ethnicity, ability, and socioeconomic status. The achievement gap can … Wikipedia
motivation — The mental processes that arouse, sustain, and direct human behaviour. Motivation may stem from processes taking place within an individual (intrinsic motivation) or from the impact of factors acting on the individual from outside (extrinsic… … Big dictionary of business and management
achievement — The successful accomplishment of, or performance in, a socially defined task or goal. Talcott Parsons (in Social Theory and Modern Society, 1967) suggests that modern societies use indices of achievement examination credentials or performance in… … Dictionary of sociology